Heyhi- I’m Şeniz.

Fun-seeking missile, straight-talker, body lover.

I create and share spaces that provide rich opportunities for self exploration, understanding, and expression.

I’m curious about everything, including you.


I have the pleasure of singing a bit for a power harmonied indy pop band called School for Girls.
We’ve been on a break because of 2020 WTF SRSLY- but we’re on track to record our second album this year!
Here are a couple videos to enjoy.

Learn more about School for Girls, our song-writer James Rone, and listen to our first album by clicking the link below!

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A while ago I had the pure delight of performing as part of TORCH’s Sundays Jazz Series. With one of my favorite humans- Sean Roderick- on keys, I sang a light-hearted spin through some jazz standards and improvised some of our own “new” standards. Take a listen to a selection of some shitty quality but fun recordings!


I spent some time documenting people and events and I loved it!
Check out this SUPER outdated website:


Sometimes it’s hard to efficiently describe my journey in work and play.
If you’re curious, go ahead and click on the images below to see a crammed compilation of some of the work I’ve done, in resumé form.




 Click below if you feel like reading me blather on about my work and philosophies.