OYNA - Backyard Camp Safety Plan 2023
Our hope is to continue to provide children with a safe place for risk taking and experimentation in play. We will do our best to adhere to the safety protocols outlined below.
Backyard Camp Covid Safety Plan 2023
Our hope is to continue to provide children with a safe place for risk taking and experimentation in play. All Backyard Camp Staff have been vaccinated and boosted and we will do our best to adhere to the safety protocols outlined below.
Since we are an entirely outdoor camp and we’re keeping enrollment to a minimum, masks are optional this summer. The exception is that if we are required to seek shelter indoors for severe weather conditions for an extended period of time, we may require masks. OYNA|Backyard Camp will provide masks for those who need them.
Families and playworkers who have experienced symptoms related to COVID-19, may not attend camp for at least 10 days until all of their symptoms resolve or they receive two negative SARS-CoV-2 tests at least 48 hours apart.
Each week of camp will include 14 campers maximum, with one dedicated Playworker per 6 campers.
Drop-off in the morning: Please let Playworker know if camper is experiencing symptoms.
Twice during the day: Campers will wash hands with soap and water.
End of day: Playworkers will use sanitizing wipes or spray to manually wipe down the hand tools used in camp play.
Before eating: Campers will be asked to wash their hands with soap and water.
Campers must bring their own reusable water bottles with their names on them, a refilling station will be available.
During inclement weather: If campers are moved inside due to weather or any other reason, they may be asked to wear a mask except when eating or drinking.
Pick-Up: To accommodate spacing and distancing, pickup will happen at the front of the house.
Playworkers and campers are required to stay home if they or anyone in their household is showing any COVID-19 symptoms and/or tests positive for COVID-19.
Playworker illness: We will notify families immediately, without disclosing the identity of the playworker, if a playworker tests positive. A decision on how to proceed with camp will be decided based on the circumstances of exposure.
Camper illness: We will notify families immediately, without disclosing the identity of the camper, if a camper tests positive. Camp for the exposed group of children will be canceled for the rest of that week.